· 2022年 ·
- 陈雪锋,范 裕*,周涛发,庾江华,钱仕龙,陆中秋,杨张一,洪建民. 2022. 江南隆起带安徽宁国西坞口矿床铷的赋存状态和成矿机制研究[J]. 地学前缘(中国地质大学(北京);北京大学),2022,29-1
- 张龙,陈振宇,汪方跃,周涛发. 2022. 电子探针技术研究粤北龙华山岩体中独居石蚀变晕圈的结构与成分特征. 岩矿测试, 41(2), 174-184.
- 杜秀玲,汪方跃,闫海洋,顾海欧,孙贺,葛粲. 2022. 浙江中部芙蓉山花岗斑岩及包体岩石地球化学研究. 地质论评 68(01). 18-46.
- 顾海欧*,刘倩,孙贺,顾笑龑,汪方跃. 2022.钾同位素的高精度分析及深部过程的示踪应用.地质学报, 96(12):1-9, doi: 10.19762/j.cnki.dizhixuebao.2022095
- 陈雅祺,孙贺*,顾海欧*,黄超,曹紫逸,汪方跃,葛粲. 2022, 基于MC-ICP-MS的地质样品的高精度钾同位素分析方法, 地质学报,96: 01-12
- 张明明,龙瑾潇,周国玉,焦峻嵚,方红东. 2022. 基于pXRF的荞麦山铜多金属矿床元素富集规律研究[J]. 岩石学报, 41(3):643-658
- 郑小杰,李晓晖,袁峰,薛晨,吴帮财.2022.姚家岭锌金多金属矿床三维地质建模与成矿预测[J]. 地质科学, 57(3) : 910-923.
- 彭思元,李晓晖,袁峰,彭辉,孟繁荣,陈守文,丰效坤.2022.基于Unity3D的三维虚拟化构造产状测量系统研发[J]. 金属矿山, 2022(9): 180-187.
- 陈忠良,袁峰,李晓晖,张明明.基于BERT—BiLSTM—CRF模型的中文岩石描述文本命名实体与关系联合提取[J].地质论评,2022,网络首发.
- 宁博,李百强,吴珍珍,高建文,陈斌,赵月帅,王锐.塔里木盆地中央隆起带寒武系-奥陶系白云岩成岩相及其地球化学特征, 地质科技通报, 2022,41(04):46-56.
- 姜玲玲, 徐利强, 计超. 长江干流江心洲过去35年面积变化及其特征. 合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 45(5): 673-677.
- 胡 翔,李湘凌,张忠恩,赵 燕,卢新哲,魏迎春. 基于根伸长测试终点的小白菜Cd及Se-Cd物种敏感性分布.环境科学研究,2022,35(2):574-582.
- 章康宁,李湘凌,陈富荣,汤金来,杜国强. 皖江地区农村地下水健康风险评估. 合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版),2022,045(009):1240-1247.
- Guo Xianzheng, Zhou Taofa, Jia Qunzi, Li Jinchao, Kong Huilei. 2022. Highly differentiated felsic granites linked to Mo mineralization in the East Kunlun Orogenic Belt, NW China: Constrains from geochemistry, and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes of the Duolongqiarou porphyry Mo deposit[J]. Ore Geology Reviews,145(2022) 104891
- Wei Dongtian, Zhou Taofa, Xia Yong, Chen Jing, Xie Zhuojun, Liu Xijun, Pang Baocheng, Tan Qinping, Bai Lingan. 2022. Ore fluid origin recorded by apatite chemistry: A case study on altered dolerite from the Badu Carlin-type gold deposit, Youjiang basin, SW China[J]. Ore Geology Reviews,143(2022) 104745
- Wei Dongtian, Zhou Taofa, Xia Yong, Fan Yu, Xie Zhuojun, Liu Xijun, Tan Qinping, Bai Lingan, Wang Fangyue. 2022. Pyrite textural, trace elemental and sulfur isotope signatures of the Badu gold deposit, Youjiang basin (SW China): Implications for ore-fluid source and Au precipitation mechanism[J]. Ore Geology Reviews,149(2022) 105083
- Xiong Yanyun, Zhou Taofa, Fan Yu, Chen Jing, Wang Biao, Liu Jun, Wang Fangyue. 2022. Enrichment mechanisms and occurrence regularity of critical minerals resources in the Yaojialing Zn skarn polymetallic deposit, Tongling district, eastern China[J]. Ore Geology Reviews,144(2022) 104822
- Xiao Xin, Zhou Taofa, Shi Ke, Noel C. White, Fan Yu, Wang Fangyue, Chen Xuefeng. 2022. Trace elements and textures of scheelite in porphyry-skarn Cu-Au systems: The example of Dongguashan deposit, eastern China[J]. Ore Geology Reviews,149(2022) 105069
- Liu Yinan, Fan Yu, Zhou Taofa, Yan Lei, Fu Bin, Wang Fangyue, Wang Jingfeng. 2022. Trace element evolution of magnetite in iron oxide-apatite deposits: Case study of Daling deposit, Eastern China[J]. Ore Geology Reviews,144(2022) 104842
- Fangyue Wang,Yongjie Guo,Haiyang Yan,Haiou Gu,He Sun, Can Ge. 2022. Geochronology and geochemistry of the W-Mo-ore-related granitic rocks from eastern Ningzhen, lower Yangtze river belt, eastern China. Acta GeochimicaActa Geochim, 41(2):288-306
- Meng Xiang, Zhang Dayu, Zhang Rongqing, Wang Jing, Zhang Fei, Yu Zhendong, White C. Noel, Zhou Taofa. 2022. Geochronology and geochemical characteristics of ore-forming granite in Maopengdian Sn deposit, northern Jiangxi Province[J]. Ore Geology Reviews,149(2022) 105098
- Deng Yufeng, Song Xieyan, Xie Wei, Chen Liemeng, Yu Songyue, Yuan Feng, Peter Hollings, Wei Shuai. 2022. The role of external sulfur in triggering sulfide immiscibility at depth: evidence from the Huangshan-Jingerquan Ni-Cu metallogenic belt, NW China. Economic Geology, 2022, 117(8): 1867-1879.
- Long Zhang, Fangyue Wang, Taofa Zhou, Zhenyu Chen, Xiuling Du, Shu Zhang. 2022. The origin of uranium deposits related to the Huangmeijian A-type granite from the Lu-Zong volcanic basin, South China: Constraints from zircon U-Pb geochronology and mineral geochemistry. Ore Geology Reviews, 141, 104665.
- Long Zhang, Fangyue Wang, Taofa Zhou, Zhenyu Chen. 2022. Contrasting U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of uraninite from the Xianshi and Xiwang uranium deposits, South China: Implications for ore genesis. Ore Geology Reviews, 149, 105120.
- Gao, P.*, Wang, Y., Yakymchuk, C., Gu, H.-O.*, Sun, G.-C.*, Yin, C., Zhang, J., Qian, J., 2022. Homogenization of zircon Hf isotopes during late-stage granite crystallization. Chemical Geology 609, 121072.
- Baiqiang Li, Zhenzhen Wu, Taofa Zhou, Bin Chen, Qicong Wang, Xiaoli Zhang. Constraints on diagenetic fluid source and genesis in tight dolostone reservoir of Submember Ma55 of Ordovician Majiagou Formation in Northwestern Ordos Basin, China: evidence from petrology and geochemistry, Geofluids, 2022, Doi: https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/8430179
- Li Siyang, Zhang Mingming , Yuan Feng, Li Xiaohui, Wang Chengbao, Long Jinxiao, Jiao Junqin. 2022. Isotope spatiotemporal analysis and prospecting indication based on GIS in Tibet[J]. Ore Geology Reviews,147 (2022) 104997
- Chen Shouwen, Jiahao Li, Yuan Feng, Li Longming, Deng Yufeng, Jowitt Simon M., Jiang Ren, Li Zhenwei, Yuan Fang, Li Yue, Tan Jing. 2022. Geochemistry and geochronology of I–type granites of the Feidong Complex, eastern China: Implications for the Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Yangtze Craton. Precambrian Research, 382, 106884.
- Dou Fanfan, Xing Huaixue, Li Xiaohui, Yuan Feng, Lu Zhitang, Li Xiangling, Ge Weiya. 2022.3D geological suitability evaluation for urban underground space development based on combined weighting and improved TOPSIS. Natural Resources Research, 31, 693–711.
- Meng Fandong, Li Xiaohui, Chen Yuheng, Ye Rui, Yuan Feng. Three-Dimensional Mineral Prospectivity Modeling for Delineation of Deep-Seated Skarn-Type Mineralization in Xuancheng–Magushan Area, China. Minerals, 12(2022): 1174.
- Li He, Li Xiaohui, Yuan Feng, Jowitt Simon M., Dou Fanfan, Zhang Mingming, Li Xiangling, Li Yue, Lan Xueyi, Lu Sanming, Ding Wenxiang. Knowledge-driven based three-dimensional prospectivity modeling of Fe-Cu skarn deposits; a case study of the Fanchang volcanic basin, anhui province, Eastern China. Ore Geology Reviews, 149(2022): 105065
- Wu Bangcai, Li Xiaohui, Yuan Feng, Li He, Zhang Mingming. Transfer learning and siamese neural network based identification of geochemical anomalies for mineral exploration: A case study from the Cu-Au deposit in the NW Junggar area of northern Xinjiang Province, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 232(2022): 106904.
- Wang Fengmei, Kong Deming, Xu Liqiang*, Ji Chao, Jiang Lingling. 2022. Distribution of environmental radionuclides in a marine core from the eastern continental shelf of Hainan Island, South China Sea and risk assessment. Journal of Radioacitvity and Nuclear Chemistry, 331: 197-207.
- Chen Shouwen, Li Jiahao, Yuan Feng*, Deng Yufeng, Zhang Dayu, Li Xiaohui, Jiang Ren. 2022. Deformation history of the Feidong Segment of the Tan–Lu Fault zone in the Early Cretaceous: Implications for the tectonic evolution in eastern China. Geological Journal, 57(9), 3668-3685.
- 徐利强,谢建成,周涛发. 鬼斧神工的黄山地质,大美黄山自然生态名片丛书。北京时代华文书局(出版社),2022.5,1-122 (科普专著)ISBN 978-7-5699-4461-7
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